Cultural Origins of Butler County
Learn more about the cultural origins of the people of Butler County – both past and present!
When you become a partner of Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau (BCTCB), you become part of a county-wide initiative that promotes your business.
A Destination Guide is produced annually by the bureau staff. This 58-page full-color guide is distributed in response to requests for information. As a partner, you receive a free listing in the Destination Guide and can increase your exposure by advertising or purchasing upgraded listings.
In addition to more than 13,000 impressions online, with an average of three minutes reading time, 80,000 copies of the Destination Guide are distributed annually.
BCTCB partners receive a listing with three photos and a description on the Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau website, In addition, partners are linked from BCTCB’s website and may make additions and changes to their listing. An online calendar of events provides each partner an opportunity to publicize their Butler County events. Online banner advertising is also available. BCTCB’s website is linked to the state tourism website,, and other county and regional sites. Responsive design makes our website viewable on all types of electronic media. The Bureau staff also utilizes social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to further promote the county.
BCTCB partners can participate in cooperative advertising which reduces the cost to advertise. In addition, the Bureau contracts with various publications, radio, TV, billboard and online media for advertising. Using budgeted Bureau funds allows individuals and groups to combine resources for ad placement.
BCTCB has strong PR connections. The Bureau is represented in MATPRA, the Mid-Atlantic Tourism Public Relations Alliance. Additionally, on a monthly basis, events are sent to local media and information is submitted to VisitPA in accordance with their editorial calendar. The Bureau also conducts tours for writers, and other media outreach is conducted to support partners when applicable.
As a partner, you will receive email updates, have access to a partners-only section of the website, get a monthly e-newsletter, and have opportunities to attend monthly board meetings and quarterly partnership meetings. BCTCB’s toll-free number, 866-856-8444, enables tourists throughout the US and Canada to contact us free of charge.
BCTCB participates in regional marketing initiatives designed to attract visitors from across the US and Canada. BCTCB promotes its partners to the group tour market. A group sales committee creates packages, itineraries and special offers to entice groups to the area.
As a BCTCB partner, you will have opportunities to meet and network with other partner as well as travel and tourism leaders.
BCTCB staff represents the Bureau and its partners at a wide variety of fairs, expos, festivals, conferences, luncheons and speaking engagements throughout the year.
Special web pages are created to feature holiday sales, events and other promotions. This gives partners more opportunities for additional exposure.
Our brochure program is another great way the Bureau can help promote partner businesses. Joining this program is FREE to all partners. Partners must provide the Bureau with 2,500 brochures. They will be delivered by the Bureau to 40+ racks throughout the County. Partners who incorporate the Bureau logo into their brochure design will receive a $100 discount on the printing cost.
A grant program enables partners to apply for monies to implement a project or improvement. Funds are awarded once a year and applications are available on the partner-only section of the website. Grants require a 25% match and partnership for at least one year before applying.
As a BCTCB partner, post your job openings on our dedicated jobs page to reach more job seekers.
BCTCB bylaws qualify tourism-based industries as businesses that fall into the following categories. Each category has one representative on the Board of Directors.
We also welcome businesses as Supporting Partners who believe in our mission.
Partners are asked to provide support through annual dues, voting, and participation in meetings and other relevant activities. In addition, professional conduct through good customer service, ethical business practices and clean, well-maintained facilities are expected. The Board of Directors is responsible for approving all partnerships.
Includes all Standard partnership benefits. A 501(c)(3) or equivalent form is required to document status. Please include it with your application.
Includes all Standard partnership benefits. Exclusive benefits as negotiated with BCTCB. A partnership package will be individually tailored to suit the needs and mission of your company or organization.
$110 Additional Location
Partners having more than one location in the county can add additional listings for each location in the Destination Guide and on the website. If a business has a different name it will be considered a separate partner at the $235 rate.
Partnership dues are renewed annually on January 1, of each year.